1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Matthew 5: 21-37
Today God tells us: Choose life.
Paul reminds us that God gives us growth; God gives us our
common purpose; we are God’s field, God’s building, God’s servants.
Today Jesus asks us to carefully consider how we understand
and live out God’s commands for us.
The Good News points us to the Truth that if we are to
choose life, if we are to grow and live into our common purpose, if we are to
be God’s field and live out God’s commands for us, then we must choose Jesus.
No matter how busy or chaotic or danger-filled his life was
at the moment---Jesus set aside time to pray and to rest in His Father’s
presence----we are to do the same.
Jesus healed those who could no longer see, those who
couldn’t hear the Word, those who were in the grip of evil, those whose hope
had been lost----we are to do the same.
Jesus sat down with all sorts of people---even those
considered unworthy, even those who disagreed with him----to break bread, to
share table fellowship, recognizing each person’s God-given value and worth----
we are to do the same.
When Jesus saw the marginalized and outcast---even if the
reason for them to be outcast was socially and culturally acceptable---- Jesus
reached out and pulled them back inside the community--- we are to do the same.
When his friends left his side out of fear, when those who
were frightened by his message attacked him because he threatened their status
quo, when he was beaten, spit upon, and put to his death----Jesus refused to
give into anger and retaliation. He
forgave. He prayed. He lifted up his anguish to the Creator
instead of casting blame that would not change the reality. He loved them all until the end. And we are to do the same.
My friends, God has planned an abundant life for us. But, it may not look like the life our
televisions, movies, video games, magazines, and music tell us we are to
seek. God’s dream for us is a life of
common abundance. A life where every
person has enough. A life based on our common bonds of being made by the Creator. A life where every person’s inherent value
and worth is based on the fact that every person is God’s beloved. A life where justice, mercy, and goodness are
the status quo. Where building and
maintaining community outweighs every man for himself and where we recognize
that our salvation is dependent upon the salvation of our neighbor.
And it takes more than wanting this life. It requires more than thinking: ”Yes, this is
a good idea….wouldn’t it be nice….” We are
to choose it. For, if we do not choose
this life, then we choose death. Death
to God’s will for us. Death to the
community of the beloved. Death to what
is in our best and common interest.
Today’s Word urges us to choose.
Choose life by forgiving and granting mercy when we are hurt
or wronged instead of choosing retaliation.
Choose life by refusing to gossip about other people’s
downfalls, gloating in other people’s mistakes, desiring other people’s
defeats. Choose life by not joining in
the whispers.
Instead of indulging in too much food, too much drink, too
many possessions, we can choose life by living simply so that others can simply
When we make a mistake or misunderstand a situation, we can
choose life by owning up to our error instead of casting blame on others.
When we are angered or frustrated—we can choose to take the
time to calm down and gain perspective before reacting---giving us the ability
to respond with compassion and thoughtfulness, and by this we choose life.
Jesus chose life by acting on a societal level---demanding
that unjust systems, policies, and ways of living be overturned.
Jesus made personal decisions and choices---Jesus took on
personal practices and disciplines that allowed him to choose the life-giving
path of God’s will instead of the world’s path to destruction and
As poet W.H. Auden wrote in the midst of the madness that
was the world in September of 1939: “We must love one another or die.”
Hear the Spirit speaking to us today, God declaring:
“I have set before you life and death, blessings and
curses. Choose life so that you and your
descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast
to him.”
Our choices determine the quality of our lives. Our choices judge us. Our choices define us. Perhaps that wise professor of Harry Potter
fame, Albus Dumbledore, said it best:
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far
more than our abilities.”
We have been shown how to live---how to choose life. Jesus is the Way, walk with him; Jesus is the
truth, know him; Jesus is the life, live him.
Choose life.
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