So, here are my thoughts and reflections on Day Four's activities here---a Sunday at GC78:
- I began the day by joining the Claiming Common Ground: Marching to end Gun Violence event at 7:15 am. Many, many bishops and many people across the church gathered outside to educate ourselves and to make a witness to the necessity for further conversation and action this nation needs to take to end gun violence in our communities. We heard powerful witnesses: a bishop, a mother who lost her child, a former police officer. We prayed. We sang. We joined together to proclaim the Good News: God does not make death nor does God delight in the death of the living. (Wisdom 1:13). The Presiding Bishop Elect also preached about the unholy Trinity of poverty, racism, and gun violence and how it is our Holy Trinity that will vanquish these from the face of the earth (see article here: It was a powerful, inspiring, and life-giving way to begin the day. I wish you had been with us.
- As I walked back to my room to change for Eucharist, I was asked to be one of the many who hand out bread at the Eucharist. Of course, I said yes. I met up with Meg and we got some good seats (I always try to send on the end of a row so I can actually see). Many people were wearing purple scarves in support of women clergy in the church; of course, I forgot mine at home. Sigh. The bishops were all vested in rochets and chimeres and made a grand entrance. Down my aisle walked many bishops, including the Rt. Rev Michael Curry and the Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori. I did snap a pic of Michael Curry, but as I did that, I decided that I am done taking pictures of "moments" that I know other people are capturing better than I ever can. When I am obsessing about getting the camera out, is it ready, do I have it in right mode, etc.....I miss the moment. I am going to live in the moments and let the professionals take the pictures. I will use my camera (mostly) when a pic from my view will be helpful and/or to capture the people I love.
- Presiding Bishop Katherine preached. It was both thought-provoking and inspiring. As a preacher, she always makes me think. Our next Presiding Bishop makes me want to do something. This is a great combination; the church needs both---thinking and acting. What a gift these two are for us. Thank you, Jesus.
- What an honor it was to place the Jesus bread in the hands of the many---the diversity of this church. I also gave communion to someone who I know stands in opposition of the issues for which I am working toward in the church. It is humbling to look another in the eye, see the Jesus there, and recognize the need to let go of one's position in order to meet the other fully. Grace.
- Our Diocese then gathered for an informal lunch in the "Diocesan suite." We have a larger room with tables that has some food to grab on the go and a place to gather. It was a potluck of sorts and a lovely gathering of those here at Convention.
- Our legislative session for the day wasn't until the afternoon (as it was Sunday after all). There are many new deputies (46%) which is great, but I think many are not realizing how the resolutions which come before us have already been through committees who have been entrusted to do the background work, etc., before the resolution is brought before us. Needless to say, our work is getting bogged down, so I am hoping that the President of the House and her staff will help to clarify this for our House of Deputies. We have much work before us, and whatever is not presented and dealt with by the end of Convention is tabled. At times, I find myself muttering under my breath (or maybe even out loud a little); it can be frustrating when people are simply stating what the last person just said or asking a question that does not help to move toward clarity. Ah, the Church. It is messy, but goodness, I love her!
- I did stop by the Sewanee booth before legislative session to get my hugs in from my people there. It is good to have priorities.
- We had our Diocesan Dinner last night---a dinner out on the Bishop. It was very enjoyable and yummy (I like Flat Iron Steak!). Meg and I then went next door to talk and have some time over a beer. It was a really great way to end the day.
I wish I could truly put into words what a gift it is to experience and see the Church at work. Even with all its quirks and dysfunctions, even with all the bogging down and silly questions, even with all those who disagree with me and hold other agendas---this portion of the Body of Christ we call "Episcopal" is a glorious and wondrous thing. She is beautiful and transforming, inspiring and life-giving. Come Holy Spirit and lead us to Your Truth and Your Way! I pray this in the name of Jesus because I know you love it when we pray......Mother Jane+
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