Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ain't no mountain: Sunday, December 7, 2014

Advent 2B
Isaiah 40: 1-11; Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Can you hear it?
Is it ringing in your ears?

“Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you”

God---through the prophet Isaiah---is proclaiming to us today:
there’s no mountain high enough,
there’s no valley too low
there’s no wilderness too wild
and no rough place too rough
to keep me from you.

God refuses to be separated from us
refuses to the point of the Incarnation---God becoming flesh
refuses to the point of the Crucifixion---dying so that all might live
refuses to the point of the Resurrection---defying death because love wins

Does your heart get this?
Can you wrap your head around this?
The Creator of all things loves you so much that God simply will not spend eternity without you.  God has vanquished all obstacles, destroyed all the barriers, removed all impediments so that we might be intimately connected to God—that we might have a personal and communal relationship with the Divine.

Do you hear God’s promise?  God will live with God’s people---God will dwell among us and care for us---an ever-abiding presence of steadfast love.

But, my friends, God is not an interloper.  God will not barge into our lives as a dictator or tyrant.  God does not desire a relationship based on fear---when the verb “fear” is used in reference to God in Scripture---it is not our current understanding of being scared or threatened.  To “fear” God means to hold God in awe---to hold God in reverence---to recognize that God is God and we are not.  God doesn’t desire to be some Puppet Master who makes our decisions and we have a relationship with God because we can’t choose anything else.  The truth is: we can choose anything else.  God desires us to choose God.

To turn and return to God—this is the meaning of repentance.  Metanoia—a complete turn around.  God knows that we, like sheep, will be led astray.  We will see the dazzling life of consumerism, materialism, and power and be entranced.  God knows that our sense of self will, at times, override our sense of other and community---that our self-preservation will win over our sense of the common good---and we will stray from the Way. 

But this God of Steadfast love and forgiveness always offers us another chance.  Always.  No exceptions.

And this God of steadfast love asks us to do the same for others.  That we forgive as we are forgiven.  That we love as we are loved.  That we give as we are given.  That we are merciful as we have received mercy.  And by this—by this Way of life, the mountain of discrimination will be leveled.  The low valley of retaliation, vengeance and violence can be filled with compassion and reconciliation.  By this, poverty, hunger and thirst can be banished.  By this, the wilderness of depression, isolation, illness and loss can be left behind as people are restored from the margins of society to the full embrace of community.

In this season of longing, of expecting, of waiting---let us prepare our hearts and minds through worship, through bread and wine, through service, through Word, through prayer, through fellowship, through study---let us make room for God to grow and live and move within us---that we might become the light of Christ so that others may know the Truth we proclaim:

There ain’t no mountain high enough
Aint’ no valley low enough
Ain’t no river wide enough
To separate us from God.

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